Before the actual All Star game, there were a lot of other events to take place. Friday night was the rookie vs. sophomore game. Obviously J-Wall was ballin' it up on the court, since he played for UK and all. But what really made me tear up were the brilliant passes between Wall and Cousins. Seeing them play together again did my heart well, and really made me miss last year's team. This year's squad just isn't to that level. But I digress. John Wall also had some excellent assists to Blake Griffin (he's a rookie by default, but really he should have been with the sophomores). Needless to say, J-Wall won the MVP honors.
The only highlight you need to know about the Celebrity All Star game is that Justin Bieber got straight up stuffed by Scottie Pippen. Way to go, Scottie.
The dunk contest on Saturday night was a clear indication of the complete shift towards showmanship that the league has taken. Griffin jumped over the front bumper of a car and won by a landslide. It was impressive, but props aren't what should make a dunk spectacular. Ibaka's dunk from the free throw line was, in my opinion, way better. But I do think Griffin is a beast when it comes to his other dunks.
Finally, the All Star game. Usually I'm not interested in the All Star extravaganza, especially since it's not even close to real basketball. It's more of an individual offensive exhibit. However, Rondo, Ray Allen, Pierce, and Garnett were all reserves for the East, so I tuned in to watch my Celtics light it up. After the forty-five minute introduction for both teams, the game got under way. I only paid attention when the Big Four were put in, and only the first two quarters. It was a disappointment, as I suspected it would be. I still enjoyed seeing my boys and wearing my new t-shirt (I'm going on the third straight day of wearing it). It was amusing to see the perceptible coldness between the Miami Heat players and the Celtics players, as they were forced to be on the same team. I personally wouldn't handle playing with my enemies very well. Kudos to them for keeping it professional. The West won-gag me-and the festivities came to a close.
Although the game wasn't a thriller, it did produce an excitement about the upcoming playoffs. It was a good All Star weekend, especially the showcase of former UK players in the rookie-sophomore game. Basketball is the best.