Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Get To An (Usually) Unemotional Movie Aficionado

I love watching movies, but I usually never cry at the points where the majority of the population does. For example, last semester a bunch of my friends and I watched "Little Women" around Christmas time. When one of the sisters died, all the girls are cried and were really distraught, and I felt utterly heartless as I sat there and thought when is this going to be over? Granted there are some exceptions to this.
Obviously, the major exception is...sports films. Remember the Titans is one that reduces me to tears every time. I just love watching sports movies! I become completely engrossed, and I find myself energetically rooting for the good guy or the underdog to win and succeed (except for the movie "Rudy"- the slow clap at the end ruined it for me). I'm not saying I cry during every sports movie, but I have an immensely more emotional attachment to those movies than I do for those in other genres. Chariots of Fire, The Natural, Invincible, The Blind Side, We Are Marshall (I never noticed how many football movies I love, ha ha), and the list goes on and on! Not to mention the UK NCAA tourney and championship games I have on DVD :)
Sports get my emotions going almost more than anything else, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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